Just for the fun of it, I took a baby picture of mine when I was 6 months old, donned in a kimono with Papa carrying me, and showed it to my friends at church.

I cannot tell you how much FUN I really had by the questions asked and the comments/remarks made as follows:

“Do you know who took this picture?”

“You were soooo cute,” laughingly said (six said this)

“How old were you?”

“When was this picture taken?”

“Where were you born?”

“Did you say it was taken in 1925?”

“Was this picture really taken in 1925?”

maggie and papa“What area of San Diego where you born?”

“Is this really you?”

“It doesn’t look like you.”

“It looks like you.”

“You still have the same smile.”

“Where are your puffed cheeks?”

“What happened to your puffed cheeks?”

“You look like a happy baby.” (Four said this)

“Do you have a colored picture of this one?”

“Don’t lose this picture. Take good care of it.”

“This picture is a real treasure.”

“I wish I had a baby picture of me.”

“Wow! Thank you for showing your picture.”

“Was this picture taken in Japan?”

“Is that your father?”

“He looks like the Prince of Japan.”

“Where is your father from in Japan?”

“What was your father’s occupation?”

“Did your mother make the kimono?”

“How many brothers and sisters do you have?”

“Where do they live?”

“I’m surprised you kept this picture so long.”

“What kind of trees are those?”

Yes, the Japanese proverb “One look is worth a thousand words” really applies in my case. I hate to toot my own horn, but I was a cute baby. However, time marches on and now that I am a “mature” senior, I ain’t so cute.

It ain’t no fun growing old!!!!


Maggie Ishino is a Rafu typist and can be reached at Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of The Rafu Shimpo.

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