Keiro issued the following statement on Tuesday:

“Our older adults are at the highest risk of COVID-19 and therefore it is up to all of us to practice social distancing and necessary isolation to protect those most vulnerable.

“In addition to those over the age of 65, individuals with diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, and other autoimmune deficiencies have been identified as the most vulnerable during this pandemic.

“This virus continues to grow exponentially, but we can slow the progression and ‘flatten the curve.’ But it will take all of us to be disciplined and concerned about those most vulnerable.

“At Keiro, we regularly use the phrase ‘it takes a community to care for older adults…’ and right now, that phrase resonates more than ever — it will take a community! It will take a community to protect our older adults during these uncertain times.

“Keiro is imploring everyone to be safe and keep those most vulnerable in mind while we weather this pandemic together.

“Practicing safe social distancing techniques does not mean you have to remove yourself completely from all social interactions. Keiro’s Virtual Community Center will take advantage of video conference technologies to create opportunities for older adults to gather and participate in regularly scheduled social events.

“To sign up for this new Virtual Community Center, please email your contact information to We will provide you with instructions on how to participate online and through the phone.”

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